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Some old news can still be be found at The blog was retired some years ago and may contain information that is no longer correct
It's almost time to book your winter stays, so this is a good time to highlight any changes in booking procedures and at the lodge.
Logging on has changed and there is a new payment option. These changes are aimed at increasing security of the booking system and payments.
Passwords and 2 Factor Authentication have now been turned on in the booking system. To log on you will need to set a password and record it securely, eg in your browser password manager.Every time you log in you will now need to use the password and also a verification code. By default the code will be sent to your email address recorded in the booking system. You can also go to Login Security settings in the Members menu of the booking system to choose SMS or an authenticator app as your preferred method of receiving the verification code.
If you have not set up your password and tested your logon yet, we strongly recommend that you do that well ahead of needing to make bookings.
If you are having any difficulty with the new login arrangements, please read the full instructions at . If all else fails, contact the Secretary but don't leave it too late.
- More secure EFT payments
Annual subscriptions and accommodation can be paid with a credit or debit card using the Eway secure payment gateway. However other special payments still need to be paid by EFT, and some members prefer to use that for subs or accommodation as well. If you need to make a payment to the club via EFT rather than credit/debit card, we strongly recommend that you use PAYID instead of BSB and account number. This is another measure to reduce opportunities for hackers to intercept payments.
Our PAYID is the same as our ABN. Your banking app can tell you who the PayID belongs to before you complete the payment and you can also verify it against the Australian Government Australian Business Register.
You can log onto the booking system to pay using the Eway secure payment gateway or to see the club's PAYID. If you see BSB/Account details in emails, the email has probably been modified by hackers. Do not pay into that account. Our PAYID is the same as our ABN. Your banking app can tell you who the PayID belongs to before you complete the payment and you can also verify it against the Australian Government Australian Business Register.
Here are some timely reminders of important notes from the last few years:
Eligible waitlist requests will now be confirmed in early April, not on 1 June as previously. Eligible means:
only members, spouse and their children, and
the preceding midweek is full, and
the booking is paid for immediately on request from the booking officer.
Other waitlist requests will continue to be confirmed 19 days prior to stay for members (16 days prior for other AAC members and 15 days prior for guests). See the Book page for an explanation of waitlisting.
You are encouraged to nominate an emergency contact by updating your member details in the booking system.
Members can register their immediate (non-member) spouse and children in the booking system to make it easier to book them in, especially during the Family priority booking period from 8-14 March. If you haven't already done this then you might like to consider doing it ahead of making bookings for 2024. See Registering Family Members in the booking system for more information.
Prompt payment for bookings is expected. The Booking Officer will cancel bookings not paid for in the appropriate time. This is within 7 days for normal bookings and 1 day for approved waitlist requests.
Continental breakfasts will be provided on peak season Sundays, not cooked breakfasts.
- Please also remember that the ski cages are only to be used for skis, poles and boards, in bags labelled with your name. Boots, clothes and other items must not be included. Otherwise, no items are to be left between visits unless they are stored in a locker.
The Ski Lodge Details tab in the booking system and the Book tab on the club website cover most of the information you need to make a booking and prepare for your stay. The email that is sent 7 days prior to your stay has important information about your stay, including the door code. Please check these resources to see if they answer your questions before contacting the booking officer. Please also forward copies of the reminder email to all your guests.
- Hits: 350
Welcome to the Balcony Cam for 2024. Each new set of pictures will be placed above the older, so keep scrolling.
22 August:
18 August:
8 August:
27 July 2024:
21 July 2024:
30 June 2024:
Feel free to send your own Balcony shots to
What is Balcony Cam? It started with a group of members chatting about the Resort snow cams never showing what the snow is like in our part of the Village.
Since we have the best view on the Mountain it was agreed we could take some photos on a regular basis through the season so you can check before you come up... or torture yourself!
As part of our push to stay up-to-date with modern privacy and security practices, we are changing how we record members' dates of birth.
For members 25 years of age and older, we are removing day and month of birth, and will now only keep a record of your year of birth. This process should be complete within the next few weeks.
The club's Privacy policy underwent a major review earlier in the year. The new policy is published on the website.
Our membership of Falls Creek Alpine Association entitles the club to a limited number of discount cards. The cards need to be shared so they are pinned to the board on the firewood cupboard. If you are using a card, please return it asap so that others can benefit too.
Some of the establishments need to see the actual card
This year the discounts offered are
Falls Creek Hotel | 10% off food & drink at lunchtime |
Attunga | 10% off dinner meals |
Feathertop | 10% off food & drink when dining in |
Ory's (at Frueauf) |
10% off breakfast before 11:30am (not just coffee) |
Sorella (at Elk) | Forr a free drink on arrival, book online for Feed Me menu, claiming the deal |
Central Snowsports | 20% off rental in FC & Japan |
Yogi's | 10% off gear hire and some retail (excl boots) |
Halley's | 10% off all hire equipment & clothing |
JB's (at Karelia) | 10% off all main meals |
Brown Brothers | 20% off 6 or more bottles at cellar door |
Sam Miranda |
15% off 6 or more bottles from cellar door Complimentary glass of wine with main meal/platter at restaurant |
EMC at Snowski |
10% off, excl already discounted and skiboots 25% off Masterfit Instaprint footbeds (appointment essential |
Roof Carrier Systems | 10% off rentals of chains and ski boxes $30 allowance on Thule, Rhino, Yakima ski carriers $30 allowance on Konig, Rud, Thule chains |
Ably led by Tom Harrington our Lodge Supervisor and nourished by Jess, the Lodge was whipped into shape for the new season.
The tasks completed included replacing mattresses, general repairs, cleaning windows, BBQ, kitchen and stacking the firewood to name a few.
Some photos of our volunteers in action follow.
Deep cleaning the kitchen and all the items in it,
cobweb removal, inside and out,
moving several tonnes of fire wood off the road above the lodge...
installing a slide on the hill behind the back kitchen door...
then sliding it down, handing each wood block along the chain to finally stack in the cellar.
Notice is given that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of AAC Falls Creek Inc will be held:
DATE: Tuesday, 21 May, 2024
VENUE: via Zoom videoconference and at Royal Brighton Yacht Club (253 Esplanade, Brighton)
TIME: 7:30 pm - Annual General Meeting to commence
This will also be a Special General Meeting to make some minor modifications to our Rules of Association.
RSVP by 19 May 2024 is essential
- Apologies
- Receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
- Business arising from the Minutes
- Correspondence
- Receive and adopt the Committee's Reports
- Receive and adopt the Profit And Loss Account and Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2023
- Proposed New Annual Subscription & Levy for 2025
- Receive and adopt the Auditor's Report
- Appoint an Auditor for 2024
- Election of the Committee
- Special Resolutions to change the Rules of Association
- A.A.C. Business
- General Business
Preparation and conduct of the meeting
- To be admitted to the meeting, and to participate in the election if required, you must RSVP by email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm AEST Sunday 19th May. Prior to the AGM you will be sent a link to join the meeting, whether you intend to attend in person or via zoom. - The meeting will be kept as succinct as possible. We also need to make voting as uncomplicated as possible, while ensuring that it is done faithfully.
- Therefore all proxies, items of general business must be submitted to the Chairperson at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm AEST Sunday 19th May. Any proposed Motions must also be provided to the Chairperson by this date. - You are strongly encouraged to send any questions to the Chairperson by the same date. There will be an opportunity to submit some questions on the night but questions with notice will be more manageable with the technology.
- Voting may be a bit laborious. Please be patient if votes need to be counted.
For Zoom attendees
- Please prepare in advance. Install Zoom on your computer, tablet or phone and use Zoom’s facilities to test that your audio and video are working.
- If you have a headset with microphone, please use it to reduce background noise.
- Please keep your mic muted during the meeting unless the chairman recognises you to speak. The chairman or his assistant may mute you if necessary.
- We prefer having all cameras active during the meeting but you may be asked to “mute” cameras if there are difficulties.
For in person attendees
- Please wait to be recognised by the chair before you speak. You will need to use a microphone so that you can be clearly heard by zoom attendees.
- Only financial full members aged 18 and over may participate in the meeting. This includes nominating candidates for election, standing for election, voting in elections or on motions at the meeting, assigning or receiving proxies and speaking at the meeting.
- For Proxies and Nomination forms to be valid, both nominator and nominee must be financial at the time of lodging.
- Attendees must be financial by close of business on Monday 20th May. To be recognised as financial, any outstanding payments must be received in the club's bank account.
Election of committee members
The committee recommends that a total of 9 committee members be elected:
- 3 executive members
- 6 ordinary committee members.
At the committee meeting after the AGM, the committee elects members to specific positions. If a ballot is required, ballot papers will be sent to all who RSVP-ed. Completed ballot papers are to be to returned by 10pm AEST Sunday 19th May 2024. (If you RSVP after 16 May, you may not receive a ballot paper until 19 May and still need to return it by 10pm.) Results to be announced at the AGM or shortly thereafter.
If you are interested in serving on the committee, you can find out more by contacting the Chairperson or other committee members.
Nomination forms are available from the link below and must be returned by 5pm AEST Sunday 12th May 2024. If a ballot is required, you will be advised by Monday 13th May and asked to submit a short candidate statement by Thursday 16th May which will be included with ballot papers.
At the time of this notice, all current committee members are intending to stand again this year, however some are considering retiring in 2025.
Special Resolutions to modify the Rules of Association (our constitution)
- That the proposed changes to replace the provision for written polls at General Meetings with “counting of hands” be adopted
- That the proposed changes to improve Disciplinary hearings and appeals be adopted
- That the proposed changes to introduce a Conflict of Interest Register be adopted
- That the proposed changes to expand the Purposes of the club to explicitly include summer sports be adopted
- That the proposed changes to simplify wording on use of technology be adopted
An explanation of the proposed changes follows below.
- Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting can be downloaded from
- Proxy Forms may be downloaded from
- Nomination Forms may be downloaded from
- Financial reports (including Auditor's report) can be downloaded from
- Committee reports may be downloaded from
- Specific changes proposed to Rules of Association may be downloaded from
- Current Rules of Association are available at
Jenny Hughes (Secretary)
C/- ProAcct Advisors & Accountants Pty Ltd
PO Box 166 Heidelberg Vic 3084
Phone: (03) 9880-9600
Explanation of Proposed Changes to Rules of Association
A. Summary
We propose making changes to
- Replace the provision for written polls at AGMs with “counting of hands” (and proxies). This would not change the need for secret ballots for elections.
- Improve provisions for disciplinary hearings and appeals, in particular to have appeals heard by an appointed subcommittee rather than general membership
- Introduce a Conflict of Interest Register
- Expand the Purposes of the club to explicitly include summer sports (eg cycling)
- Simplify wording on use of technology
The specific changes are detailed in
The current Rules of Association can be found at
B. Reasons for Proposed changes
It's almost time to book your winter stays, so this article highlights changes in booking procedures and at the lodge.
There are no major changes in the booking system this year, but there are a few minor tweaks:
- Room 7 will no longer be included in the rooms available for exclusive single occupancy. It is being converted to a twin room similar to rooms 5 and 12.
- Some members have asked if waitlist bookings can be confirmed earlier. This needs to be a balance between optimising lodge occupancy, giving members some certainty, and preserving member booking priority. Eligible waitlist requests will now be confirmed in early April, not on 1 June as previously. Eligible means:
- only members, spouse and their children, and
- the preceding midweek is full, and
- the booking is paid for immediately on request from the booking officer.
Other waitlist requests will continue to be confirmed 19 days prior to stay for members (16 days prior for other AAC members and 15 days prior for guests). See the Book page for an explanation of waitlisting.
Here are some timely reminders of changes that have been made in the last few years:
- Sadly we need to be more aware of hackers and scammers. Invoices and emails from the booking system no longer include EFT details. You can log onto the booking system to pay using the Eway secure payment gateway or to see the club's EFT details. If you see EFT details in emails from the booking system, the email has probably been modified by hackers. Do not pay into that account.
- You are encouraged to nominate an emergency contact by updating your member details in the booking system.
- Members can register their immediate (non-member) spouse and children in the booking system to make it easier to book them in, especially during the Family priority booking period from 8-14 March. If you haven't already done this then you might like to consider doing it ahead of making bookings for 2024. See Registering Family Members in the booking system for more information.
- Prompt payment for bookings is expected. The Booking Officer will cancel bookings not paid for in the appropriate time. This is within 7 days for normal bookings and 1 day for approved waitlist requests.
- Continental breakfasts will be provided on peak season Sundays, not cooked breakfasts.
The Ski Lodge Details tab in the booking system and the Book tab on the club website cover most of the information you need to make a booking and prepare for your stay. The email that is sent 7 days prior to your stay has important information about your stay, including the door code. Please check these resources to see if they answer your questions before contacting the booking officer.
- Hits: 1337
It's been a bit messy booking other members in with you if booking into another AAC lodge. The other members had to first log into that club's booking system so that they would be recognised and offered AAC rates.
That has been made easier with a recent update to the booking system. Now when you are saying who is in which bed, you can nominate which club they come from. The surname matching (just start typing surname to see suggestions) will then look at that club's database for suggested names. If you select someone from those suggestions then the correct tafiff should be applied.
This also helps if you including a member of another AAC club in your booking at AACFC.
- Renovations update, January 2024
- Minimum fee free Green Season weekends 2023/24
- 2023 Interclubs race weekend
- Village News, January 2024
- Non-essential emails
- Early end of season announced - Wed 20 September 2023
- Race Results 2023
- A great start to the season 23
- Emergency contacts - add one in the booking system
- Lodge Manager extending!
- Annual Subscription Invoices - improved security
- Race Dinner 23
- Sunny September
- Busy weekends
- Christmas in July
- FCAA discount cards 2023
- Welcome to winter 2023
- Mountain Muster 2023
- Peak bookings still available
- Committee positions for 2023 - and a vacancy