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What about the blog?

We have retired the blog as a separate way of communicating with members. Old news can still be be found at

Christmas in July

We mostly grow up in sweltering Aussie summers, dreaming about a white Christmas. In July each year at the lodge we try to bring a bit of Christmas into our own winter wonderland. Usually held on July 24*, we put up some decorations, play some carols and brew up some glühwein. The rest is up to you. If you are coming to the lodge that week, bring some yuletide fare and festive spirit and enjoy our Christmas in July.

*exact date to be confirmed

Booking system payment issue for some

This only affects people trying to pay for bookings while using a device with Trend Micro turned on. There is no security issue but you may not be able to make a payment.

We have been advised that the eway secure payment gateway used to pay for bookings may not work in some circumstances. Apparently the Trend Micro anti-virus software makes the payment page freeze. This problem is not something that the club or our booking system provider can fix. The payment screen is part of Eway, not the booking system. Eway are trying to find a work around but it looks like the problem lies with Trend Micro.

The booking system provider advises that if this happens to you, please

  1. Turn off Trend Micro for a few minutes while you make the payment
  2. If that works, please contact Trend Micro to tell them about the issue (the more complaints, the sooner it is likely to be fixed). You could also report it to Eway but that is less important
  3. Let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know so that we can let the booking system provider know
  4. Don't forget to turn Trend Micro back on

If necessary you can contact the Booking Officer to arrange alternative payment

Reminder of return to normal health measures

If you are sick, be it Covid, Flu, Gastro or any other infectious disease, please consider the well-being of your fellow guests and restrict your movements in common areas such as the kitchen and dining areas. Consider wearing a mask if you are sick. 

You are resonsible for your own care but you can request assistance from the lodge manager if you are too ill to cope. Masks and Rapid Antigen Test kits are available in the laundry or from the manager.

Our new White season COVID Safe Plan is based on not imposing restrictions that are not legally mandated. Special Covid cancellation provisions have also ended.

2023 Resort News

Toboggan Slope

The Windy Corner toboggan slope will have a magic carpet. Bookings are required, limiting the number on the slope to 50 at a time. A grant means that there will be no charge this season.

Road & Parking

An additional 160 car parks have been built using fill from the landslide. 

There is traffic light control of the single lane passing the landslide site. You may be delayed up to 15 minutes here. There is also another short section of road furter down the mountain under traffic light control.

As a safety precaution the road was closed overnight a while ago when more than 50mm of rain was forecast. The good news is that there was no movement at the landslide site despite 80mm of rain falling. This safety measure could be needed again. If you plan to travel when very high rainfall is forecast, you may wish to stick to daylight hours.

Medical Centre

Update - After hours service will now be available

The medical centre has missed out on the grant that normally supports their after hours service. Without it there will be no doctors available between 5pm and 10am. Efforts are continuing to have this reviewed.

People with a respiratory problem can be seen in a separate clinic but only if they have a negative RAT. A positive RAT means that a patient must seek help off mountain. 

The Medical Centre will now charge a set price "facility fee" for everyone and it will be much higher than normal doctors' fees: $150 for normal consultations and (I think) $550 for more complex matters.

See the for more information

Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of AAC Falls Creek Inc will be held:

DATE: Wednesday, 17 May, 2023
VENUE: via Zoom videoconference and at Royal Brighton Yacht Club (253 St. Kilda Street, Brighton)
TIME: 7:30 pm - Annual General Meeting to commence

RSVP by 14 May 2023 is essential


  1. Apologies
  2. Receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  3. Business arising from the Minutes
  4. Correspondence
  5. Receive and adopt the Committee's Reports
  6. Receive and adopt the Profit And Loss Account and Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2022
  7. Proposed New Annual Subscription & Levy for 2024
  8. Receive and adopt the Auditor's Report
  9. Appoint an Auditor for 2023
  10. Election of the Committee
  11. A.A.C. Business
  12. General Business

Preparation and conduct of the meeting

  • To be admitted to the meeting, and to participate in the election if required, you must RSVP by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm AEST Sunday 14th May. Prior to the AGM you will be sent a link to join the meeting, whether you intend to attend in person or via zoom.
  • The meeting will be kept as succinct as possible. We also need to make voting as uncomplicated as possible, while ensuring that it is done faithfully.
  • Therefore all proxies, items of general business must be submitted to the Chairperson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm AEST Sunday 14th May. Any proposed Motions must also be provided to the Chairperson by this date.
  • You are strongly encouraged to send any questions to the Chairperson by the same date. There will be an opportunity to submit some questions on the night but questions with notice will be more manageable with the technology.
  • Voting may be a bit laborious. Please be patient if votes need to be counted.

For Zoom attendees

  • Please prepare in advance. Install Zoom on your computer, tablet or phone and use Zoom’s facilities to test that your audio and video are working. If you have a headset with microphone, please use it to reduce background noise.
  • Please keep your mic muted during the meeting unless the chairman recognises you to speak. The chairman or his assistant may mute you if necessary. We prefer having all cameras active during the meeting but you may be asked to “mute” cameras if there are difficulties.

For in person attendees

  • Please wait to be recognised by the chair before you speak. You will need to use a microphone so that you can be clearly heard by zoom attendees.


  • Only financial full members aged 18 and over may participate in the meeting, This includes nominating candidates for election, standing for election, voting in elections or on motions at the meeting, assigning or receiving proxies and speaking at the meeting. For Proxies and Nomination forms to be valid, both nominator and nominee must be financial at the time of lodging. Attendees must be financial by close of business on Monday15th May. To be recognised as financial, any outstanding payments must be received in the club's bank account.

Election of committee members

The committee recommends that a total of 8 committee members be elected (3 executive members plus 5 ordinary committee members). At the committee meeting after the AGM, the committee elects members to specific positions. If a ballot is required, ballot papers will be sent to all who RSVP-ed. Completed ballot papers are to be to returned by 10pm AEST Sunday 14th May 2023. (If you RSVP after 11 May, you may not receive a ballot paper until 14 May and still need to return it by 10pm.) Results to be announced at the AGM or shortly thereafter.

If you are interested in serving on the committee, you can find out more by contacting the Chairperson or other committee members. Nomination forms are available from the link below and must be returned by 5pm AEST Sunday 7th May 2023. If a ballot is required, you will be advised by Monday 8th May and asked to submit a short candidate statement by Wednesday 10th May which will be included with ballot papers. 

At the time of this notice, all current committee members are intending to stand again this year, however some are considering retiring in 2024. To ease the transition we would also like to hear from any members who have the time and skills to serve the club by joining the committee in 2024. Meetings are held approximately monthly by Zoom. 



Jenny Hughes (Secretary)
C/- ProAcct Advisors & Accountants Pty Ltd
PO Box 166 Heidelberg Vic 3084
Phone: (03) 9880-9600
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New Proacct Contact Details

After many years of service, Jenny Noye has left Proacct. Many Members have had a great deal of correspondence with Jenny over the years and Jenny's service was always first class. The Committee would like to pass on our sincere thanks to Jenny for her commitment and excellent service to AAC Falls Creek matters over the years and we wish Jenny nothing but success in her future endeavours.

When e-mailing Proacct, Members should no longer use the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and should instead direct their enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Depending on the query, Proacct will direct your query to the relevant person to respond to you.

For any written correspondence, please note these details have also changed. The new postal address is PO Box 166 Heidelberg, VIC, 3084.

There are no changes to the phone number, which remains (03) 9880 9600.

Many thanks.

Lost & Found Box

New for Season 2023 is a Drying Room Lost & Found Box, located directly under the entry stairs as you walk in the front door. If you've lost any items from the Drying Room like a pair of gloves, a beanie or those pesky socks that always seem to go missing, make sure you check the Lost & Found box.

A reminder, please don't leave things in the Drying Room after your stay. Please always take your possessions home with you, or if you have a Locker, put them in there. Anything found to be lying around the Drying Room for an extended period of time will be placed in the Lost & Found box, in order to keep the Drying Room as clutter free as possible. 

Lost n Found Low Res

Working Bee 2023

With the Road closure meaning nobody had been in the Lodge since the end of Ski Season 2022, this year's Working Bee was essential to get the Lodge looking spic n span for season 2023. 

As well as the usual cleaning of rooms, kitchen, windows, ski room, and the replensihment of our firewood supply, a new BBQ was installed and the Spa equipment also had a complete once-over. A huge thanks to Jess our Lodge Manager for keeping the crew fed!

The Lodge is now ready for another Winter season and if promising recent snow falls are anything to go by, who knows we might even see some runs open for Opening Weekend. Fingers crossed for another awesome Ski Season this year!

Here's a short collection of some happy snaps from the working bee weekend, see if you can spot anyone you know!

Gals Low Res

IT Low Res

BBQ Low Res

Front Works Low Res

Front Works 2 Low Res

Entry Low Res

End of special COVID provisions

Victoria's pandemic regulations have ended and the committee has also ended special Covid provisions at the Lodge. There are no mandatory requirements for members or guests who contract Covid or become close contacts. Special Covid cancellation provisions have also ended.

If you become ill while at the Lodge, please consider the well-being of your fellow guests and restrict your movements in common areas such as the kitchen and dining areas. Also consider wearing a mask if you are sick.

In Green Season the Lodge Managers are not always on the mountain, If you become seriously ill you will need to seek medical advice or call an ambulance.

In the unlikely even that pandemic regulations are reintroduced, the Club may need to alter Lodge operations again.

Registering Family Members in the booking system

Family Members

Immediate family of members can be booked in from 8 March instead of waiting for 15 Match when guest bookings open. Until now you have needed to communicate with the booking officer, through phone or email or notes in your online booking. You can now arrange for your non-member spouse and children to be registered in the system so that they will be recognised and given the Family booking priority. Having family members registered in the system will also make it quicker to book them in future as their details are remembered. To register a family member, please email the secretary with

  • Member nominating them as family
  • Relationship to the member
  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Preferred Name (optional)
  • email address (optional, if not the same as the member's)
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth

When making bookings you can still use the notes field to tell the booking officer about intentions to add famiy and guests when their bookings open.