
To explicitly state the club practice that the provisions of rule 22 (A defaulting member is suspended and not entitled to the rights and privileges of a member) apply to junior members and intermediate members who do not pay the due amounts when they reach the threshold ages of 18 and 25.


1. An U18 member must pay up front $1475  (initial joining fee in effect a part of the eventual $3300) to be "financial".
2a. At reaching the age of 18, an U25 member must have paid $4620 (inclusive of U18 joining fee, being NRJF of $3300 and $1320 partial payment towards debenture).

2b. An new U25 member must pay up front $4620 (being NRJF of $3300 and $1320 partial payment towards debenture).

3. At reaching age 25, a further $2680 is payable and debenture is issued to the new full adult member.

At each stage the member is unfinancial until the due amount is paid in full.
Unfinancial members may only stay at the lodge as guests of members, at guest rates and with guest booking priority.
No payments towards NRJF or Debenture are refundable.
When the full amounts for NRJF and Debenture have been paid, if the member does not wish to continue then the Debenture can be sold in accordance with the Rules of Association and Wait to Sell Procedure.


This policy is subject to Committee review from time to time.
The the amounts are subject to review, especially but not only, if the Debenture or Non-Refundable Joining fees are altered.
The amounts are current as of December 2019 and reflect the increase in Non-Refundable Joining Fee

Updated Oct 2023 to reflect the change to Under 18 rather than Under 17