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Some old news can still be be found at The blog was retired some years ago and may contain information that is no longer correct
This year the subs invoices are being sent out using the booking system. This means that you can pay using the eway secure payment gateway that is used for booking payments. This much more secure than telling the club your credit/debit card details via email or phone.
Alternatively you can pay by EFT but you have to log into the booking system to see the account details. Those details were removed from booking invoices some time ago. Now they will no longer appear on the subscription invoice.This avoids the increasing risk where hackers sometimes intercept emails and alter the account details to steal the money you transfer. If paying subs by EFT please use your member number as the payment reference.
You can log on to the booking system and go to menu Members/Pay Outstanding Subs, or follow the link on the invoice email. When following links, always check that the address it actually takes you to looks correct in the browser address bar (in this case and is marked as secure. Never pay or provide sensitive information if a site does not look right.
As always, payment is due by 31 January. If you do not receive an invoice or have any difficulties with the payent system, contact Proacct.
(Policy for Payment of Annual Subscriptions)
After the race, it's time to catch up with friends at the annual race dinner.
Jess had some help in the kitchen.
This year the theme was black and white. From bowties to shorts
Penguin suits of all sorts
and a cameo apperance by a mystery dancer
Thanks to everyone who helped make the night a success. especially Jess, Lynn and race captain John
The snow gods have been kind to us so far this year but there has not been a lot of sunshine. September can be lovely skiing. There is still usually a good depth of snow, the days are longer and the sun shines on many days. It's a perfect time for a relaxed stay, and ideal if you are introducing beginners to the snow.
Grand Final weekend is a great atmosphere on the mountain, especially at the FC Hotel next door.
Don't forget that members can grab a cheeky midweek stay (5 nights) for just $234 in off-peak, even less from 22 Sept.
July has seen the resort car parks filling up on weekends and entry refused to those who have not planned ahead. This could happen on other busy days.
Holders of resort entry season passes will be allowed entry, as will anyone with pre-purchased resort entry or proof of booked accommodation. So be prepared. Buy your entry permit ahead of time (which is cheaper anyway) or be ready to show your booking confirmation if requested.
July 24 is the night for a little christmas merriness.
We put up some decorations, play some carols and brew up some glühwein. The rest is up to you. If you are coming to the lodge that week, bring some yuletide fare and festive spirit and enjoy our Christmas in July.
Our membership of Falls Creek Alpine Association entitles the club to a limited number of discount cards. The cards need to be shared so they are pinned to the board on the firewood cupboard. If you are using a card, please return it asap so thgat others can benefit too.
This year the discounts offered are
Falls Creek Hotel | 10% off food & drink at lunchtime |
Attunga | 10% off dinner meals |
Feathertop | 10% off food & drink when dining |
Central Snowsports | 20% off rental in FC. 50% off in final weeks |
Yogi's | 10% off gear hire and some retail (excl boots) |
Halley's | 10% off all hire equipment & clothing |
JB's at Karelia | 10% off all main meals |
Brown Brothers | 20% off 6 or more bottles at cellar door |
Sam Miranda | 10% off 12 or more bottles from current shelf lines |
EMC at Snowski |
10% off, excl already discounted 25% off Masterfit Instaprint footbeds |
Roof Carrier Systems | 10% off rentals of chains and ski boxes $30 allowance on Thule, Rhino, Yakima ski carriers $30 allowance on Konig, Rud, Thule chains |
STOP PRESS: From Friday 16th Towers and Mouse Trap will be open for skiing/boarding and Halleys for access
Season 2023 kicked off on 10th June with a pretty dusting in the resort and a full lodge of members and guests to celebrate.
This year AACFC hosted the Mountain Muister which was a great opportunity to mingle with members of other clubs.
The dusting may have melted away but since the weekend we've seen some more serious snow and more predicted for Sunday into next week.
Keep an eye on the booking system for vacancies as the season unfolds. There are plenty of opportunities in June and still a few in July and August.
Have a great winter 2023, on the slopes and in the lodge
Thanks to Hugh and Lynn for pictures and reports from the weekend
The 2023 FCAA Mountain Muster was held at AAC Falls Creek on Kings Birthday opening weekend.
A terrific afternoon was held on Saturday 10th with approx 50 guests enjoying the wonderful view from our lounge, topped off with great food and light refreshments.
We really had all the “top end” guest speakers in our lodge at once!
Behind the scenes in the kitchen, Louise and Marg from Chorki, Lynn and Jess from AAC.
Helping on the bar Hugh, Vicky, Georgia and Luke.
Guest speakers in attendance –
FCAA President - Dave Clark
FCAA Committee – David Stogdale
Falls Creek Alpine Resort COO – Stuart Smythe
Alpine Resorts Vic CEO – Amber Gardner
Alpine Resorts Vic Chair – Ali Wastie
Falls Creek Ski Lifts GM – Richard Phillips
Falls Creek Alpine Association is the reprersentative body for the club lodges and other smaller stakeholders. The Mountain Muster is an annual get the start of the season, usually hosted by one of the member clubs.
The lodge is filling up for peak season but there are still some rooms available in these peak weeks.
- 16 July
- 23 July
- 13 August
- 27 August
And there are just a few single beds most other weeks (subject to gender & age compatibility with existing bookings in the room)
Don't forget that members can grab a cheeky midweek stay (5 nights) for just $310 in peak.
In off-peak June and September there are still many opportunies to book and prices are even easier.
At the AGM the 2022 committee members were re-elected unopposed
The next Committee Meeting elected your Club's Committee positions for 2023 as follows:
Chairperson - Justin Checcucci
Treasurer - Will Zacharin
Secretary & IT Support - Jenny Hughes
Lodge Supervisor - Tom Harrington
Assistant Lodge Supervisor - Hugh James
Booking Officer - Alan Long
Membership/Events Officer - Lynn Cameron
Communications Officer - vacant
Unfortunatey Tony Jordan has had to step down unexpectedly. We wish Tony all the best, but it means that the Communications Officer position is vacant.
We are looking for someone enthusiastic about communicating with members and reasonably comfortable with using technology such as Facebook and Instagram and writing short articles like this one. There is support for anything complicated. It's also a great opportunity to be involved in the overall management of the club.
If you think you might be able to help, you can find out more from our Secretary, Jenny or Chair, Justin
- AAC Falls Creek 2023 AGM
- Race Weekend 2023
- Christmas in July
- Booking system payment issue for some
- Reminder of return to normal health measures
- 2023 Resort News
- Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting
- New Proacct Contact Details
- Lost & Found Box
- Working Bee 2023
- End of special COVID provisions
- Registering Family Members in the booking system
- Opening of Bookings 2023
- 2022 Club Race
- AAC Falls Creek Committee Members - 2022
- AAC Falls Creek 2022 AGM
- Apple Safari users - Booking System issue
- Gone But Not Forgotten
- Amazing Opening Weekend!
- Working Bee 2022